MHG is a globally recognized and MLC and ISO certified provider of comprehensive medical solutions for the maritime industry. Since 2019, we have focused on supporting vessels with a range of services that ensure compliance, safety, and well-being. Our ...
... completed apprenticeship as an IT specialist or a comparable qualified apprenticeship ...
MHG is a globally recognized and MLC and ISO certified provider of comprehensive medical solutions for the maritime industry. Since 2019, we have focused on supporting vessels with a range of services that ensure compliance, safety, and well-being. Our ...
MHG is a globally recognized and MLC and ISO certified provider of comprehensive medical solutions for the maritime industry. Since 2019, we have focused on supporting vessels with a range of services that ensure compliance, safety, and well-being. Our ...
... 31.12.2025. As the specialist body for youth work in ...
Райффайзен Банк — найбільший український банк з іноземним капіталом. Більше 30 років ми створюємо та вибудовуємо банківську систему нашої держави. У Райфі працює понад 5 500 співробітників, серед них одна із найбільших продуктових ІТ-команд, що налічує ...
KPMG — міжнародна мережа незалежних фірм, що надають аудиторські, податкові та консультаційні послуги. KPMG — це бренд, під яким працюють і надають професійні послуги фірми-члени KPMG International Limited («KPMG International»). «KPMG» використовується ...
... currently looking for a responsible specialist with a strong project management ...
... offer intelligent IT solutions and specialist advice on all aspects of ...
... GmbH, stand for. IT Security Specialist (d w m) WebSecurity in ...